Precision Challenge: Oakie AQHA Hock Arthritis and bone chips in Left Hock
Tell us about your horse
Okie, 21, QH
What is your Discipline?
Mainly trail riding and lower level working equitation
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Yes, a couple times a year, lower level.
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
Arthritis. Had hock surgery on left hock at 7 years old. Has some bone chips still. He is short strided and doesn’t really want to step up and out until a very long warm up and some convincing.
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
Injections. Chiro. Massage. Salt water treadmill. Various supplements. Acupuncture. Back on track products and Bemer products
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
Yes, probably now 12 years ago in both hocks
Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
Yes equioxx, cep hoof rx, madbarn omenity, madbarn chaste berry, madbarn mag chrome
If you were selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
For him to be more willing to use that hock with less of a hitch in it.
Comment or Message
I think my horse would be the perfect candidate for this product to trial. He lives at my home so I can guarantee he would get it as requested and it would be nice to not have to give him so many supplements that still aren’t fixing it.
Oakie began the Precision Challenge on 12/12/2023
Oakie is a 21 yr old Quarter Horse dealing with arthritis in his hocks. He Had hock surgery on his left hock at 7 years old and has some bone chips still.
Below is the initial videos from day 1 before beginning PJS. Main complaint is that he He is short strided and doesn’t really want to step up and out until a very long warm up and some convincing.
Day 1 - Trotting both directions
Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition
Week 3 Check In:
Precision Team – Week 3
Just checking in to see how your horse is doing on the PJS. Any issues feeding it? You should be just a little past the 3 week marker. have you observed any changes in movement, attitude, comfort etc.?
JC -Hi! He gobbles it right up! I just finished my first bag. He seems very full of energy.
Week 6 Check In:
He seems to be doing well! Full of energy which he always has been but moving well too.
PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial:
- did a two mile parade on pavement he pranced the entire time wasn’t lame the next day.
- Observed changes in horses disposition, is laying down a lot.
30 Days Into Trial:
- observe changes-lots of energy still short strided but less lame looking.
- More playful, laying down a lot, doesn’t want to finish grain.
45 Days into Trial:
still has some short stridness, but seems less than it was.
He seems more nervous in groups and doesn’t want to finish grain.