Precision Challenge:
Smoke is 13 yr old gelding with diagnosed navicular syndrome in his front feet.
Tell us about your horse
What is your Discipline?
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
Smoke began the Precision Challenge on 1/26/2024
Smoke is 13 yr old APHA/AQHA with diagnosed navicular syndrome in his front feet. Below is the initial videos from day 1 before beginning PJS. Main complaint is lameness of a 1-2 out of 5, but worse when under saddle
Day 1 - Trotting both directions
Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition
Week 3 Check In:
Hey happy new year! I was about to message you, I just rode my horse sound for the second day in a row!! I only rode about 15-20 minutes because he hasn’t been ridden in 2 years but he felt amazing! It seems like his stride is a little bigger also. He hasn’t given me any issues with eating it.
Week 6 Check In:
Hi! Yes I have a few days left of the supplement. Smoke is still riding (about 10 minutes) sound! I will get a video in the next few days, it will be in the arena my round pen is currently under water. He does seem to be happier, he is the first to greet me and his eyes seem brighter. I am thrilled to finally be able to ride home multiple times and have him still be sound!
PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial:
- Observed changes – sound in the turnout.
- Happier over all
30 Days Into Trial:
- Sound Riding 10-15 mins
- Happier, condition seems better
45 Days into Trial:
- Sound Riding 10-15 mins
- Happier and more playful. Eyes seem brighter