See the Feel the Difference.
“Powered by Precision”
Precision “PJS” All-In-One Leg Solution is an innovative formula developed specifically for the sport horse. It is the first of it’s kind that targets the joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, hooves and bone while supporting the inflammation cycle.
Through extensive research and studies we have developed the most synergistic and cutting-edge leg formula out on the market today. PJS contains Arto-Velox™, our proprietary blend of enzymes that supports the inflammation cycle. speeding it up by normalizing the fibrin, reduces the inflammation quickly and naturally while increasing over-all comfort.
PJS’s key ingredient of Arto-Velox™ is supported by quality glucosamine, chondroitin, Hyaluronic Acid and collagen to help rebuild and support the joint matrix, but the connective tissues, bone and hoof as well.
Protease enzymes for regulating & supporting the inflammation cycle Arto-Velox™
Building blocks for healthy tissue and joints.
- Gluclosamine
- Chondroitin
- Collagen
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Vitamin C
Bone, Muscle and Hoof Health
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Magnesium
- Manganese

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What Makes PJS all-in-one Leg Solution Different
from the Other Joint Supplements on the Market Today?
“Taking Joint Supplements to a Whole New Level”
My 10 yo TB was always “not quite right” in his hind end. My trainers and I had discussed possible stifle issues or a mild suspensory problem, but nothing ever seemed to describe what we were seeing. After hock and coffin injections he improved, but there was still “something” there. We tried him on PJS last summer and saw results within thefirst 2-3 weeks. He was stepping cleaner and deeper underneath himself and after about a month his stressful left-to-right lead change suddenly became easy and fluid!
Tango is a horse that had fractured his knee and the future did not look so good for him as a number of vets advised that he would have to be put to sleep. However, after 5-6 months on Precision Joint Solution Plus, Tango made a significant recovery. Thank you so much Precision for everything you have done for us.
Thank you, Precision Joint Solution, for bringing my Cowboy Mounted Shooting horse back to performance level! He was lame front left with an “undiagnosed” condition (clean x rays, ultrasound, palpation but grade 1 lame) and had been off work for 3 months. The only change I made was adding this supplement to his feed and 1 month later, we were back to light work! Then 2 weeks after that, we were competing again!Kudos to a wonderful product!
After a horrible accident that resulted in a fractured knee, “Tango” was completely lame. It was determined after x-rays by the vets that he would never be even pasture sound again and it was recommended that they put him down. After a year of trying injections with no measurable results, as a last resort the owners decided to try Tango on Precision Joint Solution All-In-One leg support. In 6 months of being on PJS he is back to frolicking in the pasture!
After a horrible accident that resulted in a fractured knee, “Tango” was completely lame. It was determined after x-rays by the vets that he would never be even pasture sound again and it was recommended that they put him down. After a year of trying injections with no measurable results, as a last resort the owners decided to try Tango on Precision Joint Solution All-In-One leg support. In 6 months of being on PJS he is back to frolicking in the pasture!
PJS All-In-One Leg Solution is the only supplement on the market today with it’s combination of ingredients. It is the go-to supplement for performance horses young and old.
Arto-Velox contains high levels of systemic enzymes that together, senergetically help normalize fibrin levels in the blood therefore effecting and supporting the balance of the inflammation levels both acute and chronic, immune system, free radicals in the tissue and overall body soreness and pain. Some of the enzymes found in Arto-Velox have been known to reduce scarring and adhesion as well as speeding up the inflammation process. Systemic enzymes have been used for decades in Europe and Asia as a natural inflammation and pain support for both people and animals. To learn more about Inflammation cycle and how systemic enzymes reaction to inflammation click here.
- Helps normalize and accelerate the inflammatory cycle
- Helps with alleviating overall soreness
- Clears free-radicals from the tissues that break down joint integrity
- Helps reduce scar tissue & adhesion’s and discourages them from forming
- Aids with recovering of injuries
PJS also includes an array of important ingredients to help rebuild after the damage takes place and to also support healthy joints, tendons, ligaments, muscle, bones and hooves.
- Has been clinically proven to support cartilage production. Improves joint comfort. Inhibits inflammatory mediators (these contribute to cartilage breakdown and joint pain)
- Supports production and slows breakdown of cartilage. Improves joint comfort. Inhibits inflammatory mediators. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been shown in published equine cell research to work better together than either alone.
HA (hyaluronic acid)
- Hyaluronic acid is responsible for making synovial fluid viscous and lubricating the joint surfaces. It helps lubricate and cushion the joints.
- An Essential ingredient for supporting and rebuilding of healthy connective tissue, muscle, tendons, ligaments and hooves.
- plays an important part in nerve and muscle function. It helps support the vasculation of the circulatory system and aids in the absorption of calcium.
Calcium, Phosphorus and Manganese
- Aids in the strength and integrity of the bones, teeth and hooves.
Precision's propitiatory blend Arto-Velox™, contains Systemic enzymes that have been known to help cleanse free radicals and toxins from soft tissues as well as support the inflammation cycle.
Contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Hyaluronic Acid as well as Collagen, Elastin and other proteins to help naturally support the joint matrix and healthy tendons and ligaments
The health and integrity of the joint, connective tissues and bones through the synergetic balance of ingredients in PJS All-In-One Leg Solution.