Precision PJS all-in-one-Leg Solution is an easy to feed supplement for all horses, designed to support the growth and maintenance of robust and healthy joints, tendons, ligaments, bones and hoofs. Administer as part of the daily feed ration.
As a supplement, administer one Precision All-In-One Leg Solution one scoop daily. (25 grams = 1 serving) 28 serving per a container.
Horse: Feed one scoop per animal per day.
Ponies: (226kg) feed ½ scoop per
Loading dose: Feed two scoops a day for the first 10 days
Competition: Give up to two scoops a day during competition
This product should not be given to animals intended for human consumption.
Store in a cool, dry place in a sealed container. If animals condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
Diane D (verified owner) –
Amadeo or “Cass” as he is affectionately known around the barn, has been a Precision Horse since the start. He was actually one of the original beta test horses. Founder Cherie Hecht hand selected each of the horses that would take part in the first trials. She was looking for horses of different ages, discipline and training intensity. “Cass was a perfect candidate with his age and demanding show schedule. His consistency in soundness and performance has been a great testament for PJS over the past three years. We do about twenty shows a year. He has been doing the Performance classes and International Derbies with Bob as well as the Modified Adult with me. He has never missed a show or class due to any soundness issue. (In fact, the only show he has ever missed was due to a virus).” Cass receives routine maintenance and is kept fit through an excellent training program. We have 8 horses and all except the retired one are on Precision. Cass is twelve and is in the best shape of his life. He shows no signs of slowing down!
Colter BradshawTeam Roper Heber, Arizona (verified owner) –
PJS Helps This Roping Mare Back To The Winners Circle! “I just want to say how much I love Precision Joint Solution (PJS)! In the last 7 years I have competed heavily in team roping on my mare. About 4 years ago she got hurt to the point I wasn’t sure I could use her anymore. I was looking for something to help her. I tried giving her time off, injections (back, hips, hocks) etc. I have had to inject her hocks and back for the past 3 years. These interventions seemed to have some affect but didn’t solve the problem. I decided to try her on PJS. After a few months I noticed that she was putting on some good weight and she was much easier for the farrier to shoe because she wasn’t in pain. Her performance in and out of the arena has been better than ever! Now after 8 months of using Precision Joint Solution her weight has maintained and her back and hind end pain that has been chronic has subsided. This will be the first time in three years that I will not to inject her!! I am amazed to see her progression over this last year! This product is awesome!”
Terri Jeter – Jeter Quarter Race Horses (verified owner) –
I have used a lot of different products out there through the years. This is the first one that I could see and feel improvement in just the first two weeks! Incredible the difference it has made!
Joyce Jackson – Owner of Animal Therapy Systems from California, USA (verified owner) –
I have been an equine rehabilitation specialist using the ATS Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse Therapy System for over 25 years. I believe an important part of the healing process includes proper supportive nutrition. After using many quality products through the years I was introduced to Precision All-in-one Leg Solution. I was impressed with the ingredients and the science behind it so I decided to try it on some of the horses I was working on. The results were amazing! Many lameness conditions were resolved much quicker and maintained significantly longer. As an all-in-one leg support it is second to none. I highly recommend this product for the rehabilitation and maintenance of athletic horses.
Emma Claire Stephens from Dallas (verified owner) –
Tango is a horse that had fractured his knee and the future did not look so good for him as a number of vets advised that he would have to be put to sleep. However, after 5-6 months on Precision Joint Solution Plus, Tango made a significant recovery. Thank you so much Precision for everything you have done for us.
John Gardner – Farrier from Dallas, Texas (verified owner) –
Farriers have a saying; “soundness sales” Precision Joint Solution helps me do my job, and attain my goals for proper horse hoofcare. Precision not only provides overall comfort and joint support but also gives horses impressive hoof growth and quality.
Richard Tyrone – The Earl Tyrone, Int. Polo Competitor from United Kingdom (verified owner) –
Polo puts huge pressure on the lower limb regions of my horses while they compete up to 4 times a week on occasions during the season. Since using Precision joint solution I have noticed a huge improvement in soundness and recovery in my string specifically in the animals that have had previous issues in their career. I think it is a product that makes a massive difference to equine athletes and would recommend it to absolutely anyone who trains horses for competition.
Kirstine Douglas – Int. Judge & Show Producer from United Kingdom (verified owner) –
The difference we have seen and felt with the horses that are on Precision is amazing! They are all moving so freely now. 2 weeks of being on precision horse’s were improving every day and have never looked back.
Christophe Meirsschaert – Grand Prix Show Jumper Rider from Belguim (verified owner) –
I was introduced to Precision Joint Solution Plus by another show jumper and was interested on how he kept his horses so sound and fit after every show. He told me about Precision and I started using it on my Grand Prix horses. After about day 45 I could really see and feel the difference. I had 2 horses that arrived with really bad hooves and after being on Precision they now are perfect. The horses feel better in their movements and their legs stay nice and tight after competing. I find as a rider, it is an obligation for us to help and support our horses in every single way. From my point Precision is key for the that level of support.
Susan S. (verified owner) –
In 2 months on Precision the biggest changes I’ve see with my mare is the fact she always had one hoof rested, so often it changed the shape of her hoof. The farrier even noticed how good her hoof looks because she NEVER rests her foot anymore!
Allison Scribner (verified owner) –
My 10 yo TB was always “not quite right” in his hind end. My trainers and I had discussed possible stifle issues or a mild suspensory problem, but nothing ever seemed to describe what we were seeing. After hock and coffin injections he improved, but there was still “something” there. We tried him on PJS last summer and saw results within the first 2-3 weeks. He was stepping cleaner and deeper underneath himself and after about a month his stressful left-to-right lead change suddenly became easy and fluid! The individual packets are easy to feed and my horse happily eats it with his normal grain ration. Happy horse, happy owner!
Terri Jeter – Jeter Quarter Race Horses (verified owner) –
I absolutely trust Precision Joint Solution for our horses. We run a large operation and our horses work hard so having something that is easy to use and that actually works is of utmost importance. Since starting the supplements I have seen a drastic improvement in the performance of our jumpers and hunters. They are moving better than ever and feel more comfortable in general. I would recommend this product to anybody who wants to get the most out of their horse as well as keep them healthy and strong into their senior years.
Scott Buckley, Buckley Farms (verified owner) –
My Futurity horse last year strained a hock stopping two weeks prior to showing. After hearing about the results of Precision Joint Solution and seeing the difference in my sister-in-laws horse I decided that I needed to give it a try. Without Precision Joint Solution I wouldn’t have been able to make through the NRHA Futurity with her.