Precision Challenge: Advanced arthritis & sidebone in both front legs
Tell us about your horse
Bluejay, 9, unknown (13.2hh palomino QH-pony type).
What is your Discipline?
He’s my daughter’s pony (was used for trail riding).
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Well-loved kids pony, no competition due to his joint issues
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
Yes, we had plans to do Pony Club and games
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
Diagnosed with advanced arthritis in his hocks and stifles. He also has side bone in both front fetlocks and shortened pasterns (most likely due to juvenile arthritis). The pain is causing him to have gut issues (ulcer-symptoms) and he’s pretty high anxiety as a result. He was originally pulled from a kill pen and had a very traumatic life until we got him 4 years ago. He’s the same age as my daughter and they’re best friends. It’s heartbreaking that this will likely end in euthanasia and I’d love to make him more comfortable in the meantime. He can still be ridden gently and our vet encourages the movement.
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
Monthly chiro/massage. Hock and stifle injections by the vet, daily Previcox and gut support. I’ve tried OsteoMax but that aggravated his ulcer symptoms (it contains silica). I’m nervous to try other joint supplements as there’s mixed info on whether they work.
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
April 2023, I didn’t see much change and he’s back to how he was before (he maybe had a couple of weeks looking less lame).
Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
GutX (ulcer support). Omneity pellets, Magnesium, vitamin E (all Madbarn). probiotics as needed when stressed.
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
I’d love to see this pony move with more ease and feel less stressed as a result of less painful joints. I’d love for my daughter to have her trail buddy back for gentle rides.
BlueJay began the Precision Challenge on 12/26/2024
Blue jay is a 9 yr old Pony ( QH/ Palomino) main issue horses suffering from: diagnosed with juvenile arthritis in both hocks and stifles, his front pasterns are shortened plus side bone & ringbone are present. Possible navicular changes on front right hoof. Secondary issues: high anxiety and ongoing issues with ulcers and GI discomfort due to the osteo skeletal issues.
Below is the initial videos from day 1 before beginning PJS. Main complaint is shortness of stride, choppy gait, gut issues & high anxiety from the chronic pain.
Day 1 - Trotting both directions
Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition
Week 3 Check In:
Jessica C
Hi there! Everything’s going well here. We’ve not had any issues with feeding, he’s eating at normal! We’ve had extreme temperature drops here in Iowa (down to -40F due to windchill), so understandably he’s been a little sensitive with his legs. I’ve not seen him more lame than our initial video that I shared with you, but it’s not been the best weather to see if he’s any better yet. His gut is staying stable though, which is awesome to see! Thank you!
Precision Team
Thanks for the quick response! Just keep the paperwork until the end. I am glad that he is eating it well, and don’t worry, with this extreme cold across most of the USA all the horses have been just standing about, eating and staying warm. The fact that he is not stiffer with that extreme cold is a plus! I like to check in every few weeks to make sure all is well and answer any questions. I’ll be checking back in with you in about another 3 weeks. You have finished the double dose and should be on the 2nd bag with a single dose now correct?
Jessica C
Yes, we did two doses until the 9th and now on one daily.
I’m really impressed he’s not feeling the cold more, he is stalled at night and wears blankets to keep him warm but he’s been out during the day and moving around with our other two horses just fine (in fact he’s been keeping them moving and I’m play-fighting mostly)! Hopefully it’ll warm up for our video at the end of the trail!
Precision Team
Nice! We’ve noticed the first changes we see are in disposition and friskiness’! Yes, the winter is challenging but we make do and are flexible with the weather and timeline.
Jessica C
That’s good to hear! He’s definitely feeling good in himself and normally he’s miserable at this point in winter. Another reason I’m happy to see his gut health hasn’t changed, it normally does and we need to support his ulcer-symptoms by now. None of those this year so far!
Precision Team
Well Yay! Some of the enzymes like bromelain help break down food and keep the gut working so he may be experiencing some of those benefits as well as the fact that he’s not in as much pain to stress out about
Week 6 Check In:
Jessica C.
Hi. We’re nearing the end of our trial period. I just wanted to let you know we’ve had a pretty big change with Bluejay. I’ve not lunged him to compare videos yet, I’ll do that this weekend. But, for the first time ever, he’s comfortable letting my daughter pick his feet out and change his blankets all by herself. He’s normally extremely defensive and won’t hold his hooves up long enough for a little one to pick out his feet. She’s absolutely over the moon that she can do normal barn chores with him without me having to step in! His gut has been completely normal through this period as well, suggesting his ulcers haven’t been an issue like passed winters! This made Ariana so happy to be able to do this, consistently, all by herself!
Precision Team
That is great Jessica! I have you on the schedule to check in this weekend as wrapping up with the 45 days. I really appreciate your observations through this trial and even though the winter weather has made it challenging for everyone, all of these little changes add up!
Jessica C
Definitely! I’d like to keep him on this and see long term how it helps. He’s definitely coming out of this winter happier than he normally does.
Jessica C
Thank you! I’ll get an order in today! And get those videos this weekend for you ❤️ thank you so much for giving us this chance to try out your product, I’ll definitely be recommending you!
I haven’t looked at the before and after videos, but his attitude and gut have completely changed. He lets Ariana do almost everything herself now without my help! They’ve been together for 5 years and it’s so nice that she finally has her pony for herself.
We know his osteoarthritis is too advanced for her to do much with him, but while he’s comfortable she can at least help him stay healthy and learn from him!
PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial:
- no negative changes no changes seen in his legs or lameness.
- Very cold polar vortex currently (-40 degrees) not much happening
- He feels fresh and very playful with other horses.
- I’m not seeing any changes in his gut or ulcer type symptoms and normally I see these at this time of the year.
30 Days Into Trial:
- not sure if physically anything has changed but his attitude, mental Wellness and gut issues are much better.
45 Days into Trial:
- He allows my daughter to handle him, pick his feet out, blanket him without issue. He has been very hard to handle for a long time due to pain. This is incredible for her to handle her pony again.