PJS -all-in-one Leg Solutions for Horses

PJS as a Preventative?

Every day, our inbox is flooded with a myriad of questions about the inner workings of PJS – what it comprises, and how all its components seamlessly come together. Among these queries, one particularly thought-provoking comment caught our attention recently. It pondered the escalating demands on young horses and questioned how PJS could potentially make a difference. It’s a pertinent and pressing concern that we believe deserves a thorough response. So, in this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the intricate world of PJS and explore how it can address the challenges faced by our equine companions.

Facebook Follower:

“Does anyone else see something wrong with the fact that a 5yo horse needs joint supplements? We really need to re-evaluate our futurity process for young horses. A 5yo horse has the age equivalent to someone who is anywhere from 15 to 23 years old. I can’t imagine having joint pain and needing extra physical support at such a young age in my life.”


Hi there! A really good point and unfortunately so many different disciplines like racing, barrel racing, cutting and reining (just to name a few) are starting intense work by ages 2 and 3yrs old. That can puts a lot of strain on the joints, tendons, ligaments and bones. Our goal with PJS is not only to help with damage that has already occurred but to help prevent this damage to occur in the first place.

Step one:  

is to control and manage the inflammation cycle. Once acute inflammation becomes chronic inflammation, you’re in trouble. That constant inflammation in the body is going to cause havoc on the joints and tissues with the free radicals breaking down healthy bones and tissues. Our Arto Velox blend of protease enzymes target the inflammation cycle. Still allowing the healing cycle still to continue, but speeding up the process and clearing out the free radicals from the tissues.

Step two :

is providing the nutrients needed to develop and maintain healthy joints, soft tissues and bones. PJS provides Glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy synovial fluid and cartilage. Hyaluronic Acid for cartilage health and anti-inflammatory benefits. We added Collagen to help feed those tendons and ligaments as well as muscle. The foundation of PJS is a strong balance of minerals including Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Manganese.  For this 5yr old futurity horse “Runaway May”, her owner decided to put her on PJS to help prevent damage occurring and most importantly, mange the inflammation in the body.  This kind of work on a young horse that is still developing can cause both acute and chronic inflammation.  She is noticing is how quickly she is recovering from her runs and that she is firing harder.

Knowing that she is providing a product that helps protect her horse’s legs and assisting in controlling the inflammation process, is a big part of her health program.


To learn more about the ingredients in PJS check out our page here. Each ingredient listed has a drop down menu that explains the benefits of that ingredient and there are also links to third party research and studies.

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