Serrapeptase For Horses

Serrapeptase For Horses

Introduction of Serrapeptase

As a horse owner or enthusiast, you are well aware of the challenges that horses may face, especially when it comes to pain and inflammation. These issues can significantly affect their performance, mobility, and overall well-being. While there are various remedies available, one natural supplement, Serrapeptase. This enzyme has gained attention for its remarkable ability to alleviate pain and inflammation in horses. In this blog, we’ll explore what Serrapeptase is, how it works, and the benefits it can offer to our equine companions.

What is Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase, also known as Serratia peptidase, is a powerful proteolytic enzyme derived from the gut bacteria of silkworms. Historically, it has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties and wound-healing capabilities. Today, Serrapeptase is available in supplement form and has gained popularity as a natural alternative to conventional pain relievers.

How Serrapeptase Works

Serrapeptase works by breaking down proteins in the body, particularly those involved in inflammation and pain. When horses experience an injury or inflammation, the body’s natural response is to produce proteins that trigger the inflammatory process. This is a healthy protective process, but too much inflammation can lead to pain and prolonged recovery times.

As a proteolytic enzyme, Serrapeptase can selectively break down these inflammatory proteins helping to reduce the severity and duration of inflammation. By doing so, it eases the discomfort associated with various equine conditions, therefore making it an invaluable aid in managing pain and promoting faster healing.

The Benefits for Horses

Natural Pain Relief: Unlike traditional painkillers, Serrapeptase offers natural pain relief without the potential side effects commonly associated with pharmaceutical drugs. As a result, It provides a safe alternative for horses that may be sensitive to medications or require long-term pain management.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Serrapeptase’s potent anti-inflammatory properties can significantly reduce swelling, tenderness, therefore managing discomfort in horses suffering from conditions like arthritis, joint injuries, and tendonitis.

Enhanced Mobility: By reducing inflammation, Serrapeptase can help improve a horse’s mobility and range of motion. This can be particularly beneficial for aging horses or those recovering from musculoskeletal injuries for instance. 

Faster Recovery: When administered during recovery from injuries or surgeries, Serrapeptase can accelerate the healing process. Its ability to break down dead tissue and promote healthy tissue formation aids in the repair of damaged areas.

Where can you get Serrapeptase?

Precision’s PJS propitiatory blend Arto-Velox™, contains protease systemic enzymes including Serrapeptase. This blend has been shown to help cleanse free radicals and toxins from soft tissues along with increasing over-all circulation and supporting the inflammation process. Because of it’s ability to break down these inflammatory proteins & normalize the fibrin in the blood, it has shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

Setting itself apart from its counterparts, PJS takes a synergistic approach to leg support, going beyond targeting specific areas and encompassing the entire leg. Its Reduction phase is achieved through our proprietary blend of systemic enzymes (Arto-Velox), which support the inflammation process. By accelerating the inflammation cycle, as a result, this phase helps alleviate pain associated with inflammation. The Recovery phase comprises a diverse range of ingredients, including Glucosamine HCI, Chondroitin, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, and an array of minerals that promote muscle and bone health. Due to this innovative combination, it ensures fast and effective results.  Consequently, this separates PJS from other options available in the market. To learn more about PJS and how it can help your horse click here.


Serrapeptase presents a promising natural solution for managing pain and inflammation in horses. With its potent anti-inflammatory properties and ability to promote faster healing as a result, it can significantly improve the quality of life for equine companions. As with any supplement, it’s crucial to seek professional advice and combine Serrapeptase with proper veterinary care to ensure your horse’s health and well-being.

Remember, a healthy and pain-free horse is more likely to perform at its best, forming a strong bond between horse and rider and making your equine journey a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Embrace the power of PJS to enhance your horse’s vitality and ensure they lead a happy and active life. Buy Now!


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