Equine Tendons & Ligament Health

Equine Tendons & Ligament Health

Equestrians in every discipline understand the importance of tendons and ligaments in their equine athletes. On a basic level we all know horses need them to function and injuries can be devastating.  As training and competitions get more serious, so does the importance of protection and what you can do for equine ligament & tendon support. To learn a little more about tendons, ligaments and how you can best support your horse, keep reading.

So what exactly do these tissues do? On a very basic level, tendons connect muscle to bone. Tendons are what gives us the ability to extend and flex all our limbs.  Ligaments on the other hand connect or  bone to bone. Ligaments create the connection between bones therefore stabilizing the entire skeletal system. both tendons and ligaments are made up of fibrous connective tissues. Fibrous tissues are then made up of collagen and elastins.

There are multiple things horse owners can do to help protect their horses tendons and ligaments. For hard working horses, preventative measures can ensure a longer career.

Lets first talk about prevention.

What can you do to help support and extend the lives on your horses tendons and ligaments?


Internal supplementation can help strengthen and support tendons and ligaments by giving them proper minerals and nutrients they need to maintain strong and healthy tissues. PJS was formulated to target not only the joints but the surrounding structures including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Our ingredients are designed to provide the needed collagen,  HA and other necessary materials to support,  strengthen and increase healing of the joint matrix and surrounding soft tissue. 

Tendons and ligaments are made up of primarily collagen.  Collagen is the main supportive protein of cartilage, connective tissue, tendon, skin, and bone. PJS contains both collagen and HA. Feeding this highly digestible bio-available of collagen proteins helps strengthen and support all the tendons and ligaments as well as cartilage and bones.

In the case of injured connective tissue, this collagen can help by giving the body the proper nutrients to repair rips, tears and strains of tendons and ligaments. Additionally, our proprietary blend of pro-tease enzymes (Arto-Velox) in PJS helps with decreasing inflammation and  scar tissue from forming with injuries. These crucial factors are often lacking in most joint supplements. PJS All-In-One Leg Solution is the only formula on the market today with the proprietary blend of enzymes and the building proteins for strong healthy tendon and ligaments. To learn more about the ingredients on PJS click here


In addition to internal support and preventative measures, we also recommend you support your horses tendons and ligaments. The video below shows just how much pressure and tension your working horses have to endure while working. For working horses, protective boots and wraps can be extremely beneficial. One hard blow to the back of the tendon from an overreach can be devastating for any horse.

At Precision, we recommend prolonging the life of your equine athlete by feeding PJS as a preventative and support as well as using protective leg gear! To purchase your PJS today click here.

To read more about how Precision has helped in the recovery of ligament and tendon injuries click below.



For more  equine tendon information and references:



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