Precision Challenge:
Tigger is a 15-year-old barrel racing horse who has a small tear in her left meniscus causing stifle lameness.
Tell us about your horse
Her name is Ticketgoodtiltuesday aka Tigger. She is a 15 year old AQHA mare.
What is your Discipline?
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Tigger and I compete at the highest level in barrel racing. We won Reserve World Champion at the AQHA world show in open barrels in 2021. She also holds other AQHA world titles. Tigger has won numerous OK and TX 1D NBHA year end titles. Most recently, she was 16th in the BBR World Finals race in the Coliseum out of 1846 entries. She has placed in the top of races with 600+ runners and won races with 250+ entries. Not only has she won with me, she has also won with a youth. They were round winners in the Vegas Tuffest and top 5 in the All In Barrel Race round 2.
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
Yes. Until a month ago, she has been sound and winning.
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
She has a small tear in the meniscus of her left stifle. She is showing stifle lameness at the walk and trot
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
ReNovo injection. I am also feeding her OsteoMax
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
he had a ReNovo injection in her stifle on June 1, 2024.
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
I am really hoping that she will become sound again for competition this year. I have at least one bucket list item to complete with her before I breed her and raise foals.
Began the Precision Challenge on July 7th 2024
Tigger is struggling with a small tear in her left meniscus causing lameness in the left stifle.
Day 1 of Precision Challenge
Day 45 of Precision Challenge
Before & After
Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition
Week 2 Check In:
Her short step is much less pronounced at both a walk and trot. She seems to be feeling better.
Week 4 Check In:
Her limp is no longer visible when she walks and it’s much less pronounced at the trot.
Attitude and disposition – she definitely feels good. She trots and looks some and gets after the other mares at feeding time.
Week 6 Check In:
After 45 days she has no noticeable lameness. She runs and plays with the other mares. She is traveling sound in the paddock and hopefully she will be able to return to the arena sound as well.
I can tell that she feels much better, she is happier and she is more like herself.
PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial:
She’s doing great no issues with eating the PJS she is walking better and trotting better period I’m really happy with the results so far
30 Days Into Trial:
She’s doing really well. At a walk you can’t see any lameness. Today she had a checkup at the vet. When we first trotted her, you really couldn’t see any lameness. He did a flex test and she did show some lameness after, but she has improved so much in this last month period her ultrasound showed healing as well. I’m so pleased with her progress. I’ve no doubt PJS is helping her.
45 Days into Trial:
I have a few days left. She is doing so well. She has no noticeable limp at all walking or trot now. When I started her on PJS she was really lame at a trot and obviously lame at a walk. I am a believer in PJS.