Hind end lameness

Precision Challenge: Sandor 15yr old KWPN- Hindend Lameness & Swelling in Rear Leg


Tell us about your horse

Sandor 15 yr old KWPN 

What is your Discipline?


Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?

Competing and clinicing at Prix St. George dressage. Hopefully we will compete regionally and nationally this next year.

Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?


What current issues is your horses suffering from?

Sore hips/SI area left rear leg swelling sporadically.

secondary issues front shoulder stiffness and arthritis and back and neck. He also cribs.


What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?


Injections for hocks, back, Chiro, massage regularly


Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?


If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?

back and neck injections June 2023


If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?

I would like to see if PJS could help my horse with hind end lameness. My horse has arthritis in many areas that I would be interested to see if PJS could help.


Sandor began the Precision Challenge on 1/5/2024

Sandor is a 15 yr old KWPN who has been struggling with hind end lameness. Below is the initial videos from day 1 before beginning PJS.  Main complaint is sore hips/SI area left rear leg swelling sporadically. secondary issues front shoulder stiffness and arthritis and back and neck. He also cribs.

Day 1 - Trotting

Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition

Week 2 Check In: 

no change at two weeks maybe a little happier in work. still somewhat stiff.

Week 4  check in:

horse is more willing to move but still stiff it is winter and it has turned cold so no riding.

Day  45 Check In:

Day 45 check in – horses definitely moving better. We move south for the winter with warmer weather. He is still some stiffness but marked better than start. Cribbing has mostly stopped

I have changed locations with this horse he has been in and out of work due to weather. In less than 45 days cribbing is almost gone this tells me the horse is much less pain. I wouldn’t have never guessed that this would happen he is still on PJS supplements.


PC Journal Notes:

2 weeks into Trial: 
  • no questions so far I have not been able to ride for the last couple weeks we just moved S for the winter so I will be riding tomorrow. I’m excited to see if there is a difference. Sander is definitely walking straighter
30 Days Into Trial: 
  • can I purchase a couple more bags of PJS for Sander he is back into work now the weather has changed. Sander is doing great. I will send a video this week
45 Days into Trial:
  • I have at least four more days of PJS. Sander is feeling so much better under saddle
  • In less than 45 days cribbing is almost gone this tells me the horse is much less pain.

Day 45 Videos

Before & After 45 Days on PJS

45 Day Precision Challenge

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