
Precision Challenge: Gandalf 9 yr old Hunter/Dressage horse with hind end lameness, left hind shortness

Precision Challenge:

Gandalf 9 yr old Hunter/Jumper Dressage horse with hind end lameness, left hind shortness

Tell us about your horse

Gandalf age 8 thoroughbred

What is your Discipline?

Hunter jumper and dressage

Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?

Competed up to 3’ in hunters

Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?

He has lameness and shortness in hind left.

What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?

Injections, prp, Chiro, acupuncture, massage, Magnawave, red light therapy, structural integrations, reiki, Bemer blanket

Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?

Steroid injections November 2023 – hocks and stifles; left hock PRP injections

Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
Not currently. Was on weekly adequan. Don’t think it works so stopped it.
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
I am hoping for my horse to be stronger and more stable for me to ride again. Ultrasound of the entire leg clean. X-rays clean. Injections multiple times and different kinds still short on left hind. Ulcers keep returning because he is uncomfortable. Arthritic changes on xray in left hock. That’s all the vet can find. Been trying all treatments for 8 months now. Nothing has worked.

Gandalf began the Precision Challenge on 2/15/2024

Gandalf 9 yr old Hunter/Jumper Dressage horse with hind end lameness, left hind shortness. Also has tightness and weakness in the lower back.

Day 1 - Trotting both directions

Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition

Week 2 Check In: 

He is able to canter both directions successfully, hind left seems less short and  front end at the trot was very light!

Week 4 Check In:

He is progressing with extending the left hind leg more forward and is more willing to engage and move forward. 

Week 6 Check In:

He is very comfortable with hind left tracking almost even on both hind legs! He is moving very forward and willing to work. 


PC Journal Notes:

2 weeks into Trial: 
  • Actually  seems a little more mouthy and reluctant to move forward at first while working he becomes less anxious and more relaxed.

30 Days Into Trial: 
  • Seems more comfortable and willing to work

45 Days into Trial:
  • Moving very forward and is willing to work. He is in less pain and more comfortable and willing.

Day 45 Videos

Before and After Video

45 Day Precision Challenge

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