Intermittent Lameness in Front Feet & Coffin Joint

Precision Challenge: Eddie/15/QH – Intermittent Lameness in Front Feet & Coffin Joint

Precision Challenge:  Eddie a 15 yr old Barrel Horse with Intermittent Lameness in Coffin Joint & Front Feet

Tell us about your horse


What is your Discipline?
Barrel Racing
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?

Barrel racing on a weekly basis. Rodeos (WPRA, Regional and Open), barrel racing jackpots

Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?

Yes. Prone to abscess

What current issues is your horses suffering from?

Originally had a vertical split in right front hoof wall. Graveled and infection set in. Had to be dremeled out and hoof laced. Horse was out for 8 months waiting for hoof to restore itself. Caused some rotation in coffin joint that has been dealt with using corrective shoeing and at 4-5 week intervals keeping hoof level consistent due to angles/growth. Because of this it has also caused soreness in opposite front foot in his attempt to alleviate some pressure off the other front foot. Lameness is not always noticeable and much better on soft ground but more noticeable to the trained eye on hard ground. Degree of lameness fluctuates from sound to lame. Prone to abscess. When sore he shifts weight .

What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?

Shoeing, coffin joint injections, magnetic therapy, variety of supplements and anti-inflammatories

Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?

Coffin joint Jan 2024

If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?

More consistency in staying sound and less sore.


Began the Precision Challenge on June 10th 2024

Eddie originally had a vertical split in right front hoof wall and was out for 8 months.  Lameness is not always noticeable and much better on soft ground but more noticeable to the trained eye on hard ground. Degree of lameness fluctuates from sound to lame.

Secondary issues includes proneness to abscess and when sore he shifts weight .

Day 1 of Precision Challenge

Day 45 of Precision Challenge

Before & After

Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition

Week 2 Check In:

Last night was the last of the loading dose. Eating it has not been a problem. He has been tracking well in the front end with no head bobbing, but still is shifting weight off the right front. He is sore in the right hind after a weekend of competing but I don’t believe there is any association between the two. I have a chiropractor that will be working on him tomorrow night. Tonight I started the single dose and will monitor that. 

 Week 4 Check In:

He has been doing great so far! The head bobbing has improved.

Week 6 Check In:

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this challenge. I noticed slight changes to begin with but have noticed the biggest improvement in the last 15 days of this.

PC Journal Notes:

2 weeks into Trial: 
  • seems to be a tad better at times but not consistent.
30 Days Into Trial: 
  • Performance is improving
45 Days into Trial:
  • Continuing to improve performance wise, notice less head bobbing overall. Observed changes in horses disposition – throughout the challenge I never noticed changes in these areas he has a big heart and try.

    Summary: while I can say the lameness has not completely disappeared, I feel his movement has improved in the 45 days of this trial. I have remained consistent with my feed program and sharing procedures and continue to compete. He has been making better runs in the last 15 days of the trial I will continue to use PJS.  

Precision 45 Day Challenge

If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!
If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!

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