Charleston stifle and hindend lameness

Precision Challenge: Charleston | 6 yrs | TB Gelding – Stifle & Hindend Lameness

Charleston stifle 6yr old TB with stifle and hindend lameness


Tell us about your horse

Charleston| 6| Thoroughbred

What is your Discipline?

English Equitation

Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?

Currently no, not sound enough to compete at this time.

Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?

Charleston is sound while not under saddle. Vet and saddle fitter have diagnosed no saddle pad or kissing spine. Issue might be coming from the hind end or stifle because of a past injury from backing into a truck.

What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?

EMS on the stifle and hind end, body work, hyaluronic acid supplement.

Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?

Knee, November 2023


Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?

Effortless HA and CocoSoya


If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?

Overall improvement of the trot and canter, soundness and being able to ride.


Began the Precision Challenge on February 29, 2024

Charleston appears mostly sound when not under saddle. According to the vet and saddle fitter, there’s no issue with the saddle pad or kissing spine. The problem may originate from the hind end or stifle, potentially due to a past injury from backing into a truck.

Day 1 of Precision Challenge

Day 45 of Precision Challenge

Before & After

Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition

Week 2 Check In:

no observed changes at this time. Was slightly lame on 3/14 because of shoe he had thrown and a crack up the middle Bute was given for three days.

Week 4 Check In:

Charleston is now stepping under himself more and there is no head bob present. He seems more willing to come in from the pasture. No tail swinging doing groundwork and more relaxed. He threw a shoe three times in one week and was very sore because of it but much better now.

Week 6 Check In:

Charleston is a lot more forward in his movement on the line and a lot more forward under saddle. He no longer has a wobbling feeling in his back end under saddle. Walks up to me in the pasture instead of walking away or avoiding me.

PC Journal Notes:

2 weeks into Trial: 
  •  I haven’t seen too many changes. He also had a bout of soreness from a chip in his hoof creeping up and then causing a bunch of break off when the Farrier reshod him. I’ll be going out tomorrow to hopefully pop on him to see what he looks and feels like under saddles since that is where the off movement is happening.
30 Days Into Trial: 
  • I commented on the Facebook group because he has greatly improved!  Just to give a bit of a back story, he had an issue where he threw his shoe three times in one week and had to be reshod three times and he was quite lame for a few days because of it so I wasn’t able to get full diagnosis to see if he had improved.
  • This video was taken about a week ago when I was able to really start to see change in his gait, he was coming off a few days of being sore because of throwing the shoe three times in a week. He is noticeably more relaxed, forward and smooth under saddle.

45 Days into Trial:
  • Since then, he is no longer lame so I am eliminating any off movement and the front end because of the shoe. He’s moving a lot more relaxed on circles while on the lunge and a lot more forward while still turning on the circle. No issues at all and great improvement from where we first started overall.
  • Honestly, I’ve been so pleased with PJS. Most of the supplements I have tried with him I can’t really tell if they are actually helping him in terms of how he moves and him relaxing under saddle. But with PJS I don’t have to think I’m seeing change; I can feel it under the saddle. Thank you again!

Precision 45 Day Challenge

If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!
If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!

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