Precision Challenge: Blue a 15 yrs old mare sustained and Injury to her right stifle with inflammation behind the patella.
Tell us about your horse
Hancocks too blue, 15 years, Registered Quarter Horse mare
What is your Discipline?
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
She is a 3 out of 5 lame on her rear hind leg. She has been cleared with x rays for any bone damage, we blocked her entire leg from the hoof up and at the stifle block she trotted off 80% better. We returned to LSU vet hospital 3 weeks later for an ultrasound with a radiologist and he found inflammation behind her femoral patella and femoral media joint. Vet also said she probably has some cartilage damage and fusion but could not see in the ultrasound to confirm.
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
Red light therapy, cold hosing, chiropractic
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
Just the actual block in her stifle for the lameness exam Jan 25,2024
Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
Yes, she takes osteomax 2 pumps 2x for the last 3 months with no change and also Equinty xl and vitamin E.
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
I’m hoping for a supplement that can actually quicken the healing of her Cartilage damage and reduce inflammation quickly without having to get stifle injections.
Began the Precision Challenge on Feb 29th 2024
Blue sustained and injury to her right stifle with inflammation behind her femoral patella and femoral media joint. Vet also said she probably has some cartilage damage and fusion but could not see in the ultrasound to confirm.
Day 1 of Precision Challenge
Day 45 of Precision Challenge
Before & After
Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition
Week 2 Check In:
Week 4 Check In:
Seems Blu is putting more weight on her Left hind in her trot and canter
Week 6 Check In:
Blu is now cleared for light work! Is about 90% sound now.
PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial:
- she does seem to be more comfortable overall
30 Days Into Trial:
- I have noticed that Blu has more flexion action in the stifle
45 Days into Trial:
- Blue is now almost fully extending at the trot and the canter!
15 year old mare damage to right hock two vets have done exrays very little cartilage left and bone spur bones will eventually fuse. Can’t pick up leg for farrier
Can’t this be given to pregnant mare?
PJS has not been tested on pregnant mares and recommend that you check with your vet first.