
Precision Challenge: 16 Dutch gelding with Stifle Issues

Nova a 16 Dutch gelding with Stifle Issues

Tell us about your horse
Nova, 16 Dutch gelding 17.3 h big guy 🙂
What is your Discipline?
Do you and your horse compete? If so, how often and at what level?
No , can’t be consistent with soundness
Has your horse’s unsoundness kept you out of any competitions?
What current issues is your horses suffering from?
I believe the stifle. I was told he had no maintenance issues , he had a hitch and that turned into lameness. Eventually I had his stifle injected and after 10 days he looked great but I was suppose to rehab him and make him stronger , but I was distracted getting my son to college I didn’t do my homework , eventually it wore off.
I have been trying to get him sound again without the injections trying every product out there. I’m not seeing much results.  His riding is just walking and poles and he’s just not improving. I do body work but I really hesitate to do more injections. 
What have you tried so far to help your horse with these issues?
Injection once ( it worked ) he gets massage from me , I also have a pemf machine , he gets random chiro .. doesn’t seem to help
Has this horse been diagnosed by a Vet?
If your horse has had injections, when was the last injections and where?
His injection was summer 2022 sort of undiagnosed , we only did flexions and his history showed stifle injections so we just did the one bothering him
Is your horse currently on any supplements? If so, which ones?
He is on smartpak rehab, sometimes equinety and to be honest .. I start adding more because I buy everything that says it will make my horses comfortable !
If you are selected for the Precision Challenge, what results are you hoping for?
I have videos , I’d love to have this horse comfortable on his movement .. if I could compete him that would be amazing , he was originally completed through third level .. if he can’t compete and I can get him sound enough to rehome him to a safe , loving home that just wants to hack around that would be amazing … I just want to believe that there are real products that can work

Began the Precision Challenge on 12/8/2023

16 Dutch gelding 17.3 has undiagnosed intermittent lameness in his stifles. Below is the initial videos from day 1 before beginning PJS. Main complaint is lameness in the hind end.

Day 1 of Precision Challenge

Day 45 of Precision Challenge

Before & After

Check Ups - Observed changes in comfort, movement & disposition

Week 3 Check In:

Tracking somewhat better at the trot to the left. Better attitude

Week 6 Check In:

Moving through at the trot better. He is not on his toe as much. Is able to pick up the canter to the left and hold it through the whole circle

  • PC Journal Notes:
2 weeks into Trial: 
  • I feel like his topline has improved .. and this is with less grain ! He hasn’t done anything since initial video .. and to be fair and also a tad bit ashamed .. with all the rain .. our hay quality is way down So with less grain and crap hay ( he looks better ?! He does have ground poles in his paddock to help strengthen him but besides that .. nothing else
  • Less grumpy
30 Days Into Trial: 
  •  He seems less grumpy with more movement and interaction with other horses in the field
  • I lunged him a week ago and he was way more stronger in his left lead canter .. he held it longer and it came up and under him more
45 Days into Trial:
  • trotting through much better though still drops the hip a little
  • Is willing and able to pick up the canter and hold it now, carry all his weight while before he would only use the tip of his toe

Precision 45 Day Challenge

If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!
If you and your horse are ready, Apply Now!

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